Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I am an admitted snob

There are some things in life that I'm just a snob about. Here's a few of them.

1. Starbucks. Once I bought my one cup maker and began buying their roasts, the "store brands" (Folgers and the like) are just nasty. Plus, Starbucks is Fair Trade. I particularly enjoy beans from Africa. Yes, there is a difference that is palatable once you start drinking different roasts. I'm currently on one that has some African, some Latin American, and 10% Hawaiian. It is delicious.

2. Coca-cola. If I had it my way, it would always be out of an icy bottle. But as I rarely have that, I like to have my Cokes in a glass, never out of the can. And you must put ice on the Coke, not Coke in the ice. Again, there is a palatable difference in the two.

3. Cracked pepper. OMG, I love it! It is just so much different than a regular pepper shaker. I want it on everything--salad, pasta, vegetables. Wonderful!

4. Macs. This might be the biggest. Anyone who has known me for a few years knows that I used to be adamantly against Macs. Couldn't get over the whole quit vs. close, one button mouse, and layout of the OS. How things can change. I'm now an admitted Mac Fan Boy. I have almost every new product, from my laptop to my Apple TV to my iPhone. Unfortunately, I won't be getting the iPhone 3G since I just spent a ton of money on a root canal, but maybe some day. The firmware updates will suffice for now. But yeah, I'm slowly but surely trying to leave Microsoft behind forever.

5. E-mail. I am very passionate about this one. Don't you dare send me a forward of any kind--cute, funny, religious, news (true or not) doesn't matter. Don't do it. Hackers know this is what people like so that's how they spread malware. I will be on your butt and I don't mince words about it (as you can probably tell). The lack of knowledge when it comes to malware, viruses, keyloggers, and such is astonishing. Yet people forward this crap and wonder why their computer messes up, or worse, how they got identity thieved. This is something I simply don't tolerate.

Maybe more later as I think of them. What are some of your snobby tendencies?

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